Voices of Pain, Voices of Guidance

Voices of Pain, Voices of Guidance

If you catch a cold in Connecticut you could expect it to feel about the same as if you caught a cold in China. Treatments might differ but you would still expect a human body to respond similarly to the virus no matter who caught it where. The same cannot be said about mental illnesses. In this fascinating study we learn that schizophrenia can be very different depending on where you live - And to some people it may be considered a blessing rather than a curse.

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Invaders of Connecticut

Invaders of Connecticut

At this very moment Connecticut is fighting back an invasion! These invaders hurt the Connecticut economy, cause environmental devastation, and sometimes even do harm to humans. Some invaders make themselves obvious but we might be fond of others before we realize their true nefarious nature. These invaders are plants and animals whose species don’t belong here, and they’re called invasive species.

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